Sunday, June 3, 2012

Feeding Salt & Pepper

Giving Salt & Pepper their afternoon bottles - I apologize that part of the video is sideways and has a swinging motion that might affect your stomach: I had to put the camera strap in my mouth as they fed. Enjoy! And Don't   Get Pukey! ~ Lisa


  1. I feel like the camera shake added to the realism of the shot, kept the action intense, and the audience on the edge of the seat.

    Next time I would recommend a little more on the explosions, and perhaps some tasteful (read: gratuitous) nudity.


    Mr. Bay

  2. Ahem, I think I know who wrote that, LOL. Cute and it gives us a real "I was there" feeling. Thanks Lisa! Love, Mom

  3. Why why WHY won't it reload after playing for me once. Now I can't show it to Joy or Dad!!! Whine whine whine.... <:(

  4. What cuties and love their names! But yeah sis, way to give me motion sickness. It's called a tripod. I expect alot better camera skills in your next video. :P
