We were busy this summer. Lots of camping, music festivals, weekend road trips and...
BUYING 85 acres of LAND!
I know, I know! What the heck? Where did that come from? If you had asked us 6 months ago if we planned on buying a homestead this year, we would have given you a blank stare and probably mumbled something like "No, we want to someday but that's a couple of years down the road probably..." And yet, here we are. Landowners. Planning a homestead. (Holy crap...)
How did this come together? The short and sweet version is one domino fell, we took a step forward, another domino fell, next thing we knew everything had fallen in to place.
So here it is guys, the beginning of the Grizans-Haessler (Grizzler?) Homestead. Don't worry we'll come up with a better name eventually. But we have BIG plans for this little plot of land of ours.