Saturday, May 19, 2012


The Dealio
Derek & Lisa relocating from Thunder Bay, ON to Turtle Valley near Chase, BC for five months (May to September) to work and live on Ranfurly Farm as apprentices in 2012. We work 5 – 5.5 days/week on the farm in exchange for room/board and a nominal monthly allowance.

The Blog
We’ve had a number of reactions to our decision to put our lives (and incomes) on hiatus to work on a small farm on the other side of the country. This blog will serve as an attempt to answer the above question, a question that many people seem to have when we tell them where we are and what we’re doing. We hope you will find the stories, experiences and opinions we express here entertaining and informative. We also hope to continue telling our story here after we complete our farm apprenticeship and move forward to our own alternative farming initiatives and projects.


  1. Lisa this is a really great blog and our new printer (all of $20!!!) is printing off great photos too. Thanks for keeping us all in touch...and you look like you've lost weight in this photo. Are you replacing any love handles with lean mean fighting machine muscles? Love, Mum

  2. That pic is from our first week on the farm in May, Mom. I haven't really lost any weight, but have gain lots of muscle :)
